Cabinets are not required for outside fire extinguishers, but they are strongly recommended. Fire extinguisher cabinets are an additional cost up front, but they pay off in the long run. Here are just a few reasons to put your outdoor fire extinguishers in cabinets:
#1 – Decreases Damage to Extinguisher
Mother Nature is not a friend when it comes to guaranteeing your outdoor fire extinguisher is functioning properly. Extended sun exposure can fade the inspection and instruction labels on the extinguisher. If an inspector sees a faded label, they will remove the extinguisher from use until the label is replaced. The sun light can also deteriorate the plastic cover on the pressure gauge making the gauge unreadable.
Moisture is also a big issue for outdoor extinguishers that are not placed in cabinets. When moisture builds up, oxidation occurs, causing parts to fail and the chemical agents found inside your fire extinguisher cylinder to lump together. These results can make your fire extinguisher useless. In addition, moisture build-up can also cause corrosion, which can result in your fire extinguisher being condemned by the fire marshal.
Humans can cause damage to your fire extinguisher, as well. Vandalism, tampering, and misuse are possibilities if you leave the fire extinguisher exposed. In high traffic areas, accidents, like knocking the extinguisher off the mount to the ground, are common occurrences. If you protect your extinguisher in a fire extinguisher cabinet, you can easily prevent these things from happening.
#2 – Protects Extinguisher from Theft or Tampering
Outdoor fire extinguishers are placed in areas easily accessible to the public. This makes the fire extinguishers easier and faster to locate and use in an emergency. Unfortunately, this also means fire extinguishers located outside are more at risk of theft. Fire extinguisher cabinets can help deter these thefts with features like a safety lock with a key.
#3 – Increases Visibility in an Emergency Situation
Situations can get hectic during an emergency. It can be difficult to find a fire extinguisher that is randomly mounted somewhere. A large cabinet that is hanging with big and bright decals make an extinguisher easier to spot.
Let Koorsen Take Care of All Your Fire Extinguisher Needs
Although fire extinguisher cabinets are not required for outside extinguishers, they may still be the best way to adhere to codes and protect your fire extinguishers. OSHA, the NFPA, and your Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) will dictate the placement of your fire extinguishers, as well as to how they must be mounted or housed.
Contact Koorsen Fire & Security today to ensure that your business meets all codes and that your fire extinguishers remain in good quality condition. One of our highly-trained technicians can visit your location and answer all of your questions to help identify your fire extinguisher needs and install appropriate fire extinguisher cabinets.