Top 5 Fireworks Safety Tips for July 4th

Posted June 15, 2021 by Koorsen Fire & Security


The colors and light from the fireworks on the 4th of July always look so beautiful. As beautiful as it is, it is also in equal parts dangerous.

According to the 2019 Fireworks Report by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), an estimated 7,300 fireworks-related injuries were treated between June 21, 2019, and July 21, 2019. Many people lose their lives and suffer short and long-term injuries due to fireworks around this period.

You might wonder why fireworks are not just banned then. As we said, they can be really beautiful when used to celebrate Independence Day, Labor Day, Memorial Day, and much more. Also, we can still enjoy these beauties if we follow the appropriate fireworks safety measures.

We understand that the 4th of July is around the corner. Therefore, we have put together safety tips to help you, your friends, and your family prevent any fireworks-related accidents.

Five Fireworks Safety Tips

Before you even go to purchase fireworks, ensure you read and understand these tips. These tips will help you protect yourself from fireworks-related incidents.

  1. Learn the Law

If you want to light fireworks, you should take time to know what the federal, state, and city laws dictate about fireworks. Some states and cities don't permit citizens to light them. If you happen to be in these areas, you should look at other alternatives to celebrating the holiday.

If the law permits fireworks to be purchased and lit, you can go ahead and get your fireworks. However, ensure you read the rest of our tips and the firework manufacturer's instructions carefully before you light them.

  1. Light Them Outside!

For no reason whatsoever should you ever light your fireworks indoors! Detonating fireworks inside your house can quickly lead to a fire. Ensure you have a wide-open outdoor space to light your fireworks. Spectators should also maintain a safe distance from the fireworks.

Fireworks can do damage to the eyes. So, wear safety goggles when lighting fireworks. You should also ensure you have a source of water close by and a fire extinguisher in the case of an emergency.

  1. One Sober Person

Fireworks are usually lit during the heat of the merriments on July 4th. However, you have to ensure that the person lighting the fireworks is sober. Intoxication and lighting fireworks do not mix well. The merriments can continue afterward.

  1. Do Not Alter or Combine

Fireworks are designed with your safety in mind. Any alterations to the design of the fireworks can impact your safety. If you find that there is any sort of fault or error with the firework, do not detonate it. Safely dispose of it or return it to the manufacturer.

You should also avoid combining different fireworks. It is best to buy one particular brand of fireworks and follow the manufacturer's instructions to the letter.

  1. Don't Relight a Dud!

Fireworks have those long fuses to allow shooters to retreat before they detonate. Therefore, relighting a dud reduces that time which can lead to accidents. Also, there are cases where a supposed dud suddenly lights up. Therefore, it's important always to give every dud at least twenty minutes and douse with water before you come close.

Fireworks add to the fun on the 4th of July. However, you want to ensure your friends and family remain safe after the event. Follow these fire safety tips for fireworks, and have a happy 4th of July.


Topics: Fire Protection, Fire Safety, Fire Safety & Security

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